“Hi Owen,
Saludos from Nicaragua! I hope this email finds you well. My name is Casey and the organization I work for, Seeds of Learning, is building an earthbag school in a marginalized community in Nicaragua.
The school has been designed by Knitknot architecture and the technical details done by Precision Structural Engineering. We are running a fund-raising campaign through Indiegogo.com where you can find the full story behind the project.
The really exciting thing is that we are now offering the Knitknot design, PSE technical details, our own construction report and phone consultation as perks for donating. We realized that the plans we are working from could be of interest to anyone thinking about building with earthbags or superadobe.
Our indiegogo campaign ends soon; we would really appreciate your help in getting the word out. We have a week left to raise the funds and that means there is a week for people to take advantage of this offer. If you know of anyone who might be interested in supporting education in Nicaragua and/or looking to construct their own earthbag building, please let them know about our campaign or forward them a copy of this email.”
Thanks for your time, Casey
Previous story: El Jicarto Earthbag School Nicaragua
Anyone wishing to keep up to date with our progress can follow our blog at http://www.seedsoflearning.org/programs/blog-stories-from-nicaragua/