Is Colorado Too Cold for Homesteading? Search for Warm Microclimates

Ranch country near Walsenburg, Colorado has fairly mild weather in comparison to most parts of the state.
Ranch country near Walsenburg, Colorado has fairly mild weather in comparison to most parts of the state.

A reader left a comment the other day about how they love Colorado but said it’s too cold to live there. That comment was the inspiration for this blog post, which is about finding relatively warm areas in a cold climate.

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The Most Important Factor in Deciding Where to Live?

I thought I’d write a short piece on choosing the best place to live. There are lots of variables to consider such as building codes, climate, job opportunities, cost of living, availability of water, power and Internet, suitable soil and water for gardening, safety and many other issues. So what do I think is the most important factor in deciding where to live?

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Richard Heinberg: why end of growth can mean more happiness

“Richard Heinberg- whose latest book describes The End of Growth- isn’t looking for when the recession will end and we’ll get back to “normal”. He believes our decades-long era of growth was based on aberrant set of conditions- namely cheap oil, but also cheap minerals, cheap food, etc- and that looking ahead, we need to prepare for a “new normal”.

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Back to the Land Movement

The back to the land movement was inspired by people such as Helen and Scott Nearing, Bradford Angier and Henry David Thoreau.
The back to the land movement was inspired by people such as Helen and Scott Nearing, Bradford Angier and Henry David Thoreau.

“The back-to-the-land movement calls for occupants of real property to grow food from the land on a small-scale basis for themselves or for others, and to perhaps live on the land while doing so.

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