From time to time we feature areas around the U.S. that have few or no building codes. Today we profile Brewster County, Texas. Codes typically skyrocket the cost of construction ten-fold, so we encourage natural builders to seek out rural areas with minimal building codes. Search our blog for lots of other counties with few or no codes.
counties with no codes
Areas With Few or No Codes: East Tennessee
Message from a reader: “Just wanted to add my experience as an example if it helps someone (not selling anything). I bought 75 acres in Blaine, Tennessee (20 minutes east of Knoxville) back in 2014 for $146K. Rural, forest and hills, 4 seasons, but close enough to bigger cities. No building codes. TN has no state income tax. I pay around $100 a year for property tax because it is designated as “greenbelt.” The surrounding counties are the same and are very open to alternative building.