What’s the Lowest Cost, Healthiest Food While Traveling in Asia?

As regular readers already know, I’m on a natural building tour of SE Asia and nearby countries to oversee projects, help others and learn as much as possible about this exciting field. Back home I eat very healthily, but traveling to foreign countries makes it more difficult to always eat right. Restaurants have been very hit and miss for me. By far the best restaurant on this trip was Milas Restaurant in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Check out the rave reviews on TripAdvisor.com and similar sites.

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Sedgwick, Maine is first town to declare total food sovereignty

Sedgwick, Maine is first town to declare total food sovereignty, opposing state and federal laws

This is the right attitude toward gaining back our basic rights, whether it’s food rights (the right to buy and sell meat, eggs and produce with neighbors) or building codes. So even though the article may seem off-topic, it’s really not.

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