Enjoy a full tour of Bealtaine Cottage interior, room by room and hear a little of the work that was carried out to make this a warm and cosy home in the west of Ireland. The interior of the house is magazine quality. The garden is like paradise. Wow.
interior design
Golden Bamboo Ceilings
I posted a photo a while back about the new roofing tile on our earthbag roundhouse. The exterior looks great, and the roofing tile won’t take any maintenance for 20-30 years. But like I said in that blog post the ceiling is unfinished. The thatch roof that was on it before made a gorgeous ceiling, but the upkeep was too much since thatch here only lasts about three years. It occurred to me that bamboo would look really good on the ceiling. One option is golden or yellow bamboo as shown in these images.
Natural Home Interiors
“Most of us live in very conventional homes with smooth, plasterboard walls, nice square corners, regulation height ceilings and perfectly symmetrical windows. They’re nice, they’re neat, but if we really, really look at them, most of our houses are very boring. On the other hand, we have ‘natural homes’. Sure there might be lots of dust traps, but they appeal to the human side of our soul… that side that knows we are a part of nature. That’s why most of us find ‘natural homes’ strangely appealing.
The Rustic Home
“The Rustic Home explores the mythical and romantic West through the architecture and artistry of its residents. It reveals how the romance, lore, passion, and history of rugged old cabins, settler shelters, and mountain shacks have influenced and shaped modern Western architecture.
Bamboo Mat Design Options
There are many different uses for bamboo mat such as wall treatments, ceilings, floor mats, placemats, furniture and cabinet door panels. The natural textures and hues add a special touch to a home. Millions of low cost homes in the tropics use bamboo mat as the main covering over lightweight wall framing. The image above shows just a few available designs. Check your local suppliers or order online.