New Hempcrete Products

Italian construction company BIOmat Canapa has created a 100% natural and recyclable brick, crafted from a blend of lime and canapulo, with exceptional insulation properties while combating humidity.  Canapulo is a specialized hemp variety cultivated specifically for construction. Lime acts as a vital binding agent, ensuring cohesion and bolstering the overall strength of hemp bricks. … Read more

Ten Homes Using Straw From Around the World

Straw has a long history as a building material, finding application in thatch roofs, as a binding agent in adobe bricks and cob, as insulation, and in straw bale construction. Straw, a renewable, recyclable, regionally available, and low-cost material, offers a climate-friendly alternative to conventional building materials. Indeed, straw provides a viable solution to decarbonizing … Read more

3D Printing with Bio-Based Materials

“People can’t find homes, they’re very expensive. We also have an aging population … so there’s less and less people who are electricians, plumbers, or builders,” says Habib Dagher, the executive director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC). They recently unveiled what may be the world’s largest polymer 3D printer. … Read more

The Ayuru Forest Temple in Brazil

Ayuru the Forest Temple is a 230 sqm (2,476 sf) multi-functional space created for an ecological sanctuary in Brazil that is a UNESCO Heritage Site. This forest village is a conglomeration of ecological accommodations reminiscent of vernacular Brazilian Architecture. The roof structure is built of Guadua bamboo and is supported on 16 columns (11m or … Read more

Chaki Wasi in Ecuador Embodies the Spirit of Place

Along a volcanic crater in Ecuador, the town of Shalalá is committed to living in symbiosis with the environment, which extends to its architectural endeavors. A new project for the town, known as the Chaki Wasi handicrafts center, has been designed to exemplify the spirit of the place and its cultural heritage. Chaki Wasi, meaning … Read more

Renovating an 18th Century Stone Barn

Africa Lao had spent her career designing homes from an office in Barcelona, so when she moved to the country to get closer to nature, she was inspired to transform a crumbling 18th century stone barn into a small, minimal dream home. Located in the middle of protected forest, the location was an urban refugee’s … Read more