Sterling Codifiers — Online Building Codes

Many counties and municipalities publish their building codes on their websites. This is adequate if you only need the codes for one or a few areas. But what if you’re trying to locate codes for a large area – say, all the counties in western Colorado? In this instance, Sterling Codifiers can make it faster and easier to locate building codes with their online service. They provide a clickable US map, as well as a drop-down menu to facilitate the search process. At this time they primarily cover western states.

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Three Ways Building Codes Escalate Construction Costs

Do you think building codes are fair and set up primarily for society’s protection? Guess again. In reality, building codes were written by the timber, steel, brick and concrete industries, in collaboration with banks and insurance companies to maximize profits for themselves. This creates barriers to entry that make it difficult to build with alternative materials.

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Building Stuff, Eco-Style

Raising the roof at Erin is Building Stuff Blog
Raising the roof at Erin is Building Stuff Blog

“First, let me introduce myself, for those of you who may have just stumbled upon this blog somehow. My name is Erin Finsel. I’m 19 and am just beginning my summer break before my Sophomore year at Berea College. I don’t know for sure, but I think I will be an independent Sustainability and Environmental Studies (SENS- I don’t know where the N comes from) major. My ultimate goal (as of right now) is to have a house, a garden, maybe a few chickens and a really nice cat.

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How the Law Caught Up With a Marin County Visionary

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“David Hoffman is not your typical outlaw. For one, every conversation veers toward the inevitable topics of conservation and sustainability. He can’t understand why people need things like septic tanks – or why they use perfectly good drinking water to wash their cars.

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