I’m architect Earl Parson. After 20 years in the Los Angeles architectural custom home industry, I started asking myself why things couldn’t be done differently. What if, instead of hiring an architect for a (very expensive) full service to design a new home, and paying a general contractor a big markup to build it, there were a way for people to get simple, well designed modern home plans to construct themselves?
quonset house design
Quonset Hut Homes Taking Off in Detroit
One of our readers (J. Bowie) kindly sent me some links about new quonset hut projects in Detroit. He’s currently building his own quonset hut home and is in the process of trying to figure out the best, most practical and affordable way to build it. One tip he passed along is he’s using recycled SPF foam insulation because he reasons the outgassing has already occurred or at least will be greatly diminished. Below I summarize two projects in Detroit.