Pumps – EMAS high quantity handpump from EMAS on Vimeo.
Make your own low cost water pump (about $12) with a few pieces of PVC pipe. This is a fantastic find. Thanks to Jay, the reader who recommended it.
Pumps – EMAS high quantity handpump from EMAS on Vimeo.
Make your own low cost water pump (about $12) with a few pieces of PVC pipe. This is a fantastic find. Thanks to Jay, the reader who recommended it.
“Proposed Q&A site for folks dedicated to a lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting available resources.
The soil in most parts of the world has been depleted through intensive farming methods and erosion. Plants will grow with chemical fertilizer, but often lack valuable minerals and micronutrients. We need to give the plants a boost so they’re healthy and disease resistant, and our bodies also need the added nutrients. This blog post explains several low cost/free ways to make liquid fertilizer to give your plants a healthy, natural boost. And remember, “You are what you eat” (and think).
EM = effective organisms, microbial innoculent
“First off I want to thank you not just for your website but all the information you have made easily available on alternative building. I am currently in the Army. I’ve been in Iraq and am now stationed in Afghanistan for a few more months. In both of these countries I’ve watched people with no … Read more