Tiny Earthbag Homes

Tiny Earthbag Homes
Tiny Earthbag Homes

“Constructing an earthbag home is considered by many to be the most inexpensive method of building a home simply because the material is free and usually already onsite. The major cost associated with earthbag homes are the bags used to hold the earth which makes up the structure. The most common type of bags used are solid-weave polypropylene. These bags typically hold rice and grain during shipment and can be reused for building an earthbag home. You can of course buy the bags new as well.

It’s possible that an earthbag home could be used for folks interested in living small. With the proper amount of planning an earthbag home can be comfortable and last a very long time. When the home has reached its shelf life, it can simply be returned to the earth or the material can be used for the next earthbag home to be built.”

Source: Tiny Earthbag Homes

8 thoughts on “Tiny Earthbag Homes”

  1. Hi Owen: I just stumbled upon your webisites and blogs on earth bag home building. My wife and I have a few acres in northern arizona, specifically in Chambers, arizona, apache county. Was wondering if you know of anyone in northern arizona that has actually built and earth bag home here. And, if we were to have a contractor help us out. what is the typical fee for a contractor to help build? Would appreciate some help… Tony in Arizona

    • There are lots of earthbag houses in the southwest. But most people prefer not to advertise their project. Can’t blame them. You’d have hundreds of people coming by all the time. Kelly Hart had people stopping by almost every day for years. Maybe you can ask around locally and find someone that way.

    • Hi, Tony,

      I would love to know if you find anything out. I am going to start researching Northern AZ as well and would like to share info. I am a woman planning to get off the grid. I also like the idea of folks helping folks build. Sandy

  2. I live in Rural Georgia and they are not open to what they consider “new” things, like solar or earth homes. I have to get an engineer to approve and explain the building of the foundation and various aspects of an earth home. Do you have a resource that I could bring with me when I get my permit to make this easier if I cannot find a local engineer who can explain? Or are there any engineers in this region you could recommend? I love the story & a half roundhouse that Mr. Geiger designed & am on 24 acres of Georgia Clay so this house is perfect for me.

    • If you have an engineer’s stamp of approval on the plans then you can get a building permit virtually anywhere. The only engineering firm who’s approving earthbag houses at this time is Precision Structural Engineering, Inc. http://www.structure1.com
      Email them for a quote. Include a link to the plan you’re interested in. Tell them where you live. Engineering will raise the cost.

        • How did it go. I’m also in Georgia on A1 land 8 acres for next 100 years . I am too looking do do this on my land.
          How much around to get the engineer stamp for your building permits?
          I’m in Burke County Ga.


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