World Kid’s Foundation in Nicaragua

This post is quoted from the World Kids Foundation site.

World Kid’s Foundation in Nicaragua
World Kid’s Foundation in Nicaragua

The next and perhaps most important step is the need to erect a building site. We are planning to use the earth bag construction method. In most cases, materials for earth bag construction is inexpensive, abundant and accessible. Rice bags and barbed wire are readily available throughout most of Nicaragua for a fraction of the cost of bricks, cement, steel and lumber. Dirt can be harvested on site which greatly reduces the need of transporting bricks and bags of cement.

The community of Collado has dedicated a building site where the sewing center will be established. The name of the center will be called NICA NATIVO, a project of World Kids Foundation.

Earth bag construction, like straw bale and other earth-building methods, is labor-intensive. Fortunately, there is no shortage of hard working volunteers in the village.

A friend from New York City named Austin Drill is a specialist in ecological building methods. He and his team are approaching the final phase in the construction of the first earth bag home to be built in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua.

Austin has offered to help us with guidance and training for the building of the sewing center in Collado and also for a small house for the teacher in Cangrejo.

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