Bonita Domes Project Update

Bonita Domes Project. Building Earth with Community
Bonita Domes Project. Building Earth with Community

“We are building our first project in Joshua Tree California using SuperAdobe Earth Bag building technology as taught by Cal Earth. Bonita Domes composed of The Village; a 868 sq. ft. triple dome structure. We are learning to build a home using minimal resources and materials on hand yet requires a good amount of physical labor. We invite you to come build with us. Here we will keep you posted about opportunities to visit to Bonita Domes Project, learn Super Adobe building technology and be inspired to create your shelter within community.”

Source: Bonita Domes Project

8 thoughts on “Bonita Domes Project Update”

      • I went to their Facebook page and dug around a bit and I discovered something new, for me at least and that was their paint and weather proofer, interior and exterior which is Drylok and an excellent alternative color to cement floors using Direct Colors. I really like what you can do with the Direct Colors acid wash and for my build, this would really put some natural bling to the project. I am for sure going to use this product. I suggest others to check their site out. It might inspire you as well.

        • Natural mineral oxide pigments have less environmental impact than acid wash colors. You could color the whole slab (best) or just sprinkle some on the surface and trowel into the top 1/4″.

          • Thanks for the tip but, I checked several company sites selling what you suggested and it doesn’t give the appearance like what I found at the Direct Color site. Check Direct Color site out and let me know if you can get the same look by using the natural mineral oxide pigments. That’s if you get the chance. I’d be more than happy to use something better but, I DO love what they show. The other thing is just how much of natural mineral oxide pigments would you have to use to do a large room? The jars are pretty small.

          • I’m not an expert on the fine points between acid wash and oxide pigments. However, I would think you could make them look very similar. Apply a masonry sealer if you like a shiny finish.

            Oxide pigments are low cost. Plus, you really only need a small amount to sprinkle on top. It shouldn’t cost any more than acid wash. I’d be more concerned with working with those acids. Be careful.

      • They do look nice.

        However, “Bonita Domes” is a far cry from the stark beauty of “Pueblo Bonito” in Chaco Canyon.

        Perhaps beauty is in the eye of the beholder on that. (Isn’t it always?)


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