How to Build a Temporary Wood-fired Brick Pizza Oven with Cheap, Easy to Find Materials

This Instructable explains how to build a brick pizza oven that cost about $700 in materials and can be assembled in a few hours.
This Instructable explains how to build a brick pizza oven that cost about $700 in materials and can be assembled in a few hours.

“This pizza oven is just about as simple to build as stacking blocks, but creates a highly effective wood fired oven with an arched roof that can reach the 800-900 degree temperatures needed to make mindblowing pizza.

This is a great, low-cost project for someone who wants to test out the ins-and-outs of brick oven cooking. Super fast and easy to build, and with minor modifications, it can be assembled semi-permanently and get you through a season of baking delicious breads and pizzas.

I attended a fantastic pizza making event at Machine Project (instructor: Michael O’Malley) that included the construction and firing of a DIY temporary brick pizza oven – the ultimate in pizza cooking. Hugely educational and inspiring, even for a committed pizza fanatic such as myself. The oven, built, fired up, and torn down over the course of an afternoon, worked amazingly well – I cooked the best pizza I’ve ever made, by far.”

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Note: While not exactly cheap at $700, a conventional brick oven can take weeks to build by professional masons and cost thousands. I’d love to build this for my friend who’s opening a new restaurant. For more typical family-sized backyard baking, you might want to try making a barrel oven that costs much less.

3 thoughts on “How to Build a Temporary Wood-fired Brick Pizza Oven with Cheap, Easy to Find Materials”

  1. Is there any possibility of using earth bags to build this? Or at least part of it (i.e. the foundation)? I want to start with something small and practical using earthbags before I begin my larger bungalow structure and a friend with a restaurant expressed a need for a brick oven. We want to keep the materials as low cost as possible ($700 is far out of our price range).

    • There are more efficient materials available, although earthbags would make a good base if you want to raise the stove to a comfortable work height.

  2. I’ve had dozens of delicious meals from wood fired ovens. They’re highly recommended. Let me know if you find something similar to this one — easy to build, reasonable cost, large enough for a small restaurant, efficient design. Note: I don’t want to build a clay oven in this rainy climate. Plus, we couldn’t risk bits of clay falling into the food.


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