Doctor Dirtbag’s Dome Home

We profiled Doctor Dirtbag’s earthbag home in a previous post. This video shows how he built his earthbag dome.

Doctor Dirtbag’s YouTube Channel

Note: you don’t need to put earthbags in a form. Maybe Doctor Dirtbag will share his experience with this device.

3 thoughts on “Doctor Dirtbag’s Dome Home”

  1. Hi!
    I have been following your work for several years – – I am trying to find anyone who has experience building the earth bag construction in South Florida – – or anyone who is willing to come down here and build a backyard structure. It would not be a dome structure even though I know that is excellent for the hurricane alley area… it would be to build a rectangle outdoor building.
    I really appreciate any information you can give me on anyone in the Southeast that is an excellent earth bag construction person who is willing to travel!
    Lauren Quinn

    • I don’t know of anyone in particular. You can leave a message on our Bulletin Board. Also check the list of builders on our Resources page at Earthbag


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