![The Fellowship for Intentional Community publishes a magazine, newsletter and blog as well as conferences, workshops, festivals, retreats, and other events which are of interest to communities.](https://naturalbuildingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/fellowship-for-internation-communities-magazine-cover.jpg)
We believe that community is an essential building block for creating a cooperative and sustainable world. The structures and wisdom of community are both a means and an end to meeting the needs of all people and the planet, and must be available, understood, appreciated, and developed. We envision cooperative communities of all kinds working together to meet these needs.
Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.
Geographical Focus:
Our primary focus at this time is the US and Canada.
– To provide and facilitate access to resources that support the creation, development, and maintenance of intentional communities.
– To provide accurate and comprehensive information about all forms of intentional community.
– To make significant contributions to the articulation and promotion of cooperative culture.
– To create opportunities for the public to learn about and experience intentional communities and cooperative culture.
– To disseminate broadly what is being learned in intentional communities.
– To develop the network of intentional communities for the sharing of innovations, information, and other forms of mutual benefit.
– To identify and import into the world of intentional communities innovations in technology, economics, governance, cooperative culture and other areas that can benefit them.
– To ally with other movements and organizations that share our values, learn from them, share what we have learned, work together for mutual benefit and to raise awareness of the worldwide movement towards sustainability, cooperation, and social justice.”
Fellowship for Intentional Community
Thanks to Steve for this tip. He’s part of Mt. Joy Ecovillage, a sustainable eco community in Lewis County, TN where there are no building codes. They’re currently looking for new members, and are planning earthbag buildings, tiny houses and many other projects.