“Mudgirls will descend on your place like Muddy Superheros to create inexpensive, beautiful and nearly carbon-neutral homes and other structures
The future is now. Hire the Mudgirls to build your sustainable home.
I’m am happy to report that we’re working with the Mudgirls on a lovely cob and cordwood cabin made 99.9% from natural or recycled materials, with materials costing less than $2000. It has gone splendidly, and the cabin is more than 3/4 completed! This fall we had a workshop where 10 Mudgirls, 17 participants, 3 infants, 4 toddlers and 2 older kids, 5 dogs and two cats from Lasqueti to as far away as Toronto came for a whole week of work, sharing and camaraderie! We have had two prior workshops on the cabin, and with dozens of Mudgirls and other folks coming to help out over the past year! Great Revolutionary work gals!
I cannot strongly recommend enough the awe inspiring experience of hiring a battalion of Mudgirls who will descend on your place like Muddy Superheros to create inexpensive, beautiful and nearly carbon-neutral homes, sheds, ovens, walls, outhouses, natural renovations and more, while building skills and teaching others . . . The Mudgirls are a great example of a functioning anarchist, non-hierarchical, consensus-based collective Natural Building Employer which succeeds in getting real work done, employing women in Natural Construction and working mainly but not exclusively with Women to work hard to build, disseminate and promote natural building techniques. These techniques date back to ancient non-corporate-dominated eras of humanity fused with cutting-edge Natural Building techniques. These techniques will be needed in the future, post-crash, as they were needed in the past, pre-globalization. The Mudgirls are a pioneering group whose work seeks to address many of the overwhelming and at first seemingly insurmountable problems humanity now faces . . . such as global warming, pollution, household toxins, oil addiction, corporate and financial sector domination of our lives. To me, activists like the Mudgirls address these problems by saying: We needn’t ignore, deny, give up, or bury out heads in the velvet decadence of western hedonism. Answers are out there, and they are not all inconvenient truths. Some of them are Beautiful, Natural Structures! Mudgirls combines Art with Applied Activism! This is no hand-sitting lefty organization! This Collective Empowers Women with Building Skills to cut our impact on the great Mother Earth and our blessed Paradise Isle, our very own Never-Never Land. . .
Mudgirls For Hire!”
For more info about Building the Mudgirls Revolution and how to make natural building manifest at your place, please call
Mudgirl Rose at: (250) 753-7117
Source: Mud Girls Blog
( Note 7/5/2012 from Zana: We had to remove the live link as we got a warning message from our behind-the-scenes security software that there was a Google advisory for malware on the site. I immediately went to mudgirls.ca and indeed there was a warning of malware. I imagine that they will get this fixed or cleared pretty soon. The live link was to mudgirls.ca / site / blog.html without all the spaces.)
Tobique First Nation Resident looking for help in building a art studio. Please contact
ya’ll anywhere near NC ???
I am open to
several alternative mini-home sustainable construction gigs!
You might want to call or email them so they get your message.
Got it from their web site! “(250) 753-7117” =D Thank you for all you do. Your site, to be sure, is an excellent resource.
Got it, thanks.
Oh, I would so love to come to a workshop like that – too bad there doesn’t seem to be any in Sweden…
Start your own Swedish Mudgirls. There could be one in every country. It’s a proven concept and so it sounds like a good business idea.