Rammed Earth House in India

A brown, earthy, two-storeyed building is made of mud from the site, lime, Acacia, bamboo and recycled bricks, doors and windows. The polished teak wooden flight of steps was purchased from a second-hand shop. The bathroom tiles were acquired from a store going out of business. The surrounding roofed verandah on the first floor protects the mud walls from the rain. The walls were plastered with mud and straw. The bamboo roof and the Acacia frames were all treated with boric acid and borax and then dried. This should keep the termites off. The Mud is mixed at 5 to 10% lime, which could also protect it from termites. The area around the home has been turned into an organic garden where they grow their own vegetables and fruits. A jackfruit tree near the plot was used to make windows, doors and other house parts. The liquid exuded by shells of cashew nut was used to polish the wood and that has given a vintage look to the woodwork.

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