Many ancient structures and works of art may have been made with geopolymer. We’ve talked about this theory on our blog before. This video shows some very compelling close up images that supports the geopolymer theory. If confirmed, the history books will have to be rewritten. The sound quality is not so good, but keep watching and I think you’ll be amazed.
15 Ancient House Designs That You Can Build Really Cheap or Free
Underground Cities
“One of the characteristics of Cappadocia is having plenty of underground cities. It’s known that there are more than a hundred underground settlements in the region and many of them are not open for visits. The underground cities, which are guessed to be used since the Bronze Age, used to be settlements mostly in Byzantine period, doubtless. In this period, increasing invasions forced local residents to build underground cities for protection and religious purposes.
Mystery Hill Megalithic Structures—America’s Stonehenge
Park sign:
“Located near the summit of Mystery Hill is a massive complex of stone chambers, walls and large standing stones, both radio-carbon dating (C-14) and the placement of the astrologically oriented standing stones indicate this site was constructed at least 4,000 years ago. Like the Stonehenge of England, America’s Stonehenge accurately plots many solar and lunar events, such as soltices and equinoxes, as well as many ancient holidays.”
Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient America
Who built these structures and when? Why? I think you’ll be surprised with Vieira’s claims. No one taught this to me in school! Whatever your conclusions, you’ll have to agree this is some amazing stonework. The link below to a longer video goes into even greater, more convincing detail if you dare go down the rabbit hole.