When Oscar and Daniela found a crumbling adobe building in Mexico City’s Tacubaya neighborhood, they were inspired to use salvaged materials to transform it into their design studio and home for their family of four.
low cost housing
Van Life In A Renovated VW Kombi Westfalia
Taking to the road and living the van life in a beautifully renovated VW Kombi Westfalia, this couple are exploring Australia and working to earn their parking spots as volunteers at sustainable communities and farms all over the continent.
Woman Living in a Tiny House Loves the Small Space & Financial Freedom
Christine is a dental assistant who decided that she wanted to live in a tiny house for three reasons: because she likes small, cozy spaces, because she wanted to be comfortable financially, and because she wanted to have a smaller environmental footprint.
Full time Living in amazing 54 Sq. Ft Micro Home – Selfbuild
We’re excited to feature Richard today. Richard reevaluated his life after a motorcycle accident, quit his job and sold his house, and now lives in a 54 sq. ft. micro home he build himself.
Rent Only €0.88 a Year
Fuggerei is a social housing complex in Germany where you can rent a house for just under one Euro per year! Find out why the rent is so cheap and learn about the fascinating life of the man behind it all, Jakob Fugger.