Take a lovely tour with breathtaking scenery of one of the most famous cabins in the world. Proenneke has been an inspiration to a generation of natural builders who want to build affordable housing with low cost, local natural resources.
natural materials
Real-life Hobbit Houses – Cae Mabon
“Eric Maddern creates an award-winning “Shangri-la” of natural building in Snowdonia. His buildings re-create indigenous house styles around the world, using natural materials such as wood, mud and straw. He has an octagonal Native American hogan with reciprocal frame roof, strawbale walls and a lime render, a roundhouse with thatched roof, a cob cottage, a cordwood log lodge and a real-life replica of a Hobbit hut!”
Developing Eco-construction at Ecovillage Madagascar
“Ecovillage Madagascar wants to be an example in the development of diversity and replicability of eco-construction buildings.
Natural Building Blog — Number 2 on Google
Just for fun I did a search for the phrase “natural building” on Google, which is the world’s #1 search engine by far. The Wiki entry came up number one (as is often the case). Our Natural Building Blog is listed number two. Obviously we’ve come a long way over the last few years.
Africa Vernacular Architecture Database
“Welcome to the data base on African vernacular architecture.
There is very little information available on vernacular architecture of Africa…. this data base is the only source on line to view images of vernacular structures in every African country.
Watershed Materials Develops Clay Masonry Twice as Strong as Concrete
California-based startup Watershed Materials, with support from the National Science Foundation, has spent the last four years researching and developing a concrete alternative. Currently, their studies have produced a masonry created with natural, mineral based geopolymers, that has incredible strength and very low-carbon footprint.