
Grass on the roof, sod walls. Authentically-built sod house replica by Sod Tours are available.
Grass on the roof, sod walls. Authentically-built sod house replica by Sod Tours are available.

“The sod house or “soddy” was a successor to the log cabin during frontier settlement of Canada and the United States. The prairie lacked standard building materials such as wood or stone; however, sod from thickly-rooted prairie grass was abundant. Prairie grass had a much thicker, tougher root structure than modern landscaping grass.

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Creating Roads From Sand and Bacteria Instead of Oil

“Designers Thomas Kosbau and Andrew Wetzler have come with a plan for a greener alternative — a “biologically treated and processed paving material” that uses a common microbe to transform loose grains of sand into stable, road-worthy sandstone.

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The Floating Basket Homes of Iraq

The floating basket homes of Iraq made of reeds
The floating basket homes of Iraq made of reeds

“It was Iraq’s ‘Garden of Eden’; unique wetlands in southern Iraq where a people known as the Ma’dan, or ‘Arabs of the marsh’, lived in a Mesopotamian Venice, characterised by beautifully elaborate floating houses made entirely of reeds harvested from the open water.

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The Rustic Home

The Rustic Home by Ralph Kylloe
The Rustic Home by Ralph Kylloe

“The Rustic Home explores the mythical and romantic West through the architecture and artistry of its residents. It reveals how the romance, lore, passion, and history of rugged old cabins, settler shelters, and mountain shacks have influenced and shaped modern Western architecture.

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Bamboo Mat Design Options

Bamboo mat designs
Bamboo mat designs

There are many different uses for bamboo mat such as wall treatments, ceilings, floor mats, placemats, furniture and cabinet door panels. The natural textures and hues add a special touch to a home. Millions of low cost homes in the tropics use bamboo mat as the main covering over lightweight wall framing. The image above shows just a few available designs. Check your local suppliers or order online.

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