In my first blog post about Transition Forest Gardens I outlined some of my ideas about how to make a forest garden on degraded land. Today’s blog post covers some of my newest ideas for a transition forest garden.
restoring land
Tamera Community in Portugal
Another excellent video by John D. Lui, the journalist who covered the restoration project on the Loess Plateau in China.
“The example of Tamera shows how a decentralized and natural water retention landscape can heal a disturbed landscape and create the prerequisites for modern subsistence.
Drought Busters: Restoring Desertified Desert Grasslands
Busting Drought for $10 per Acre from Christopher Gill on Vimeo.
“We call the combination of wild animals, planned grazing, water harvesting, and Keyline subsoiling “Drought Busters”. Drought Busters is cheap, fast, poisons no plants, kills no animals, and increases the numbers and diversity of both. Drought Busters can’t make it rain, but it will make actual rain more and more effective, which is practically the same thing.”