Protecting Earthbag Walls from UV Damage with Shade Cloth

Cover earthbag walls with shade cloth to protect against UV damage
Cover earthbag walls with shade cloth to protect against UV damage

Sunlight will break down polypropylene bags after a few weeks. Here’s a new idea to protect against UV damage. Tarps are big and awkward. Painting the bags is extra work and sort of messy. Shade cloth seems like one of the fastest, best methods to protect against UV damage. Secure the shade cloth to the bags with 2” galvanized roofing nails or something similar. Thanks to Ruedi for this tip.

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“e-khaya is a fireproof shack replacement system for informal settlements. Fire is deadly in these crowded communities and an e-khaya will protect lives and possessions. It is easily community built, low cost, thermally and acoustically insulating, durable and attractive. And we are currently working on the concept of an additional level that can be added as a family’s needs grow. Sanitation, fresh water, lighting, hot water, simple cooking facilities and ‘urban farming’ are all either incorporated already or will be in the future.”

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Confined Earthbag Construction

Confined earthbag construction
Confined earthbag construction

Confined masonry is one of the most common building systems in the world, with millions of structures built this way. The first confined earthbag house is now under construction in Ecuador.

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Earthbag homes–easiest and cheapest green build

Earthbag building: The greatest advantage is that it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to construct a green home which with some hard work can be done by the homeowner.
Earthbag building: The greatest advantage is that it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to construct a green home which with some hard work can be done by the homeowner.

“Earthbag construction is a type of rammed earth construction where durable bags, usually polypropylene or burlap, are filled with local earth or other materials, laid in courses and tamped down into place to form walls. The greatest advantage is that it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to construct a green home which with some hard work can be done by the homeowner.

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