Building your own Straw Bale House – an interview with the Author

“When I was planning to build this house, the one thing I wanted but couldn’t find was a step by step, comprehensive series of photos showing the whole process. While building this house I ended up taking over 5,000 photos…and incorporated pics from every stage in the book so anyone else can use this as a basis…to see what’s involved, and to see options of what’s possible…before you start. This brief video is just a sampling of the whole book.

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Emergency Straw Bale Shelter Links

Hello, I came across your site on straw bale building and wonder if you can share your knowledge about the feasibility of building straw bale temp shelters for those braving the cold in North Dakota and Iowa to stop the Dakota pipeline. Please let me know as soon as you can. Warmly, Damita

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Huff ‘n’ Puff’s golden rules for designing and building your strawbale home

Huff ‘n’ Puff’s golden rules for designing and building your strawbale home:

1. Practice on a test wall before you build.
2. Keep your buildings small.
3. Do not design a two-storey home.
4. Inspect your bales at source before you buy and have them delivered the day before you commence the wall raising.

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Free Strawbale Building Ebook: Build it With Bales

Build it With Bales is now available as a free download.
Build it With Bales is now available as a free download.

This is a gift from the authors (Matts Myhrman and S.O. McDonald) to everyone in need of this basic information. Build it With Bales, Version Two is one of my all time favorite books. It’s become a classic in strawbale building.

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