Lots of nice details! This video is worth watching more than once.
“A tour of how we live & work off grid in our straw bale home – Riverstone Studios showing the interior of our home, wind turbine, solar panels, and the finishing work in our home.
Lots of nice details! This video is worth watching more than once.
“A tour of how we live & work off grid in our straw bale home – Riverstone Studios showing the interior of our home, wind turbine, solar panels, and the finishing work in our home.
“This property was sold August 2012. To see more of what we make visit Meiners and Lee Studio.
“The state of Sonora recognized that to their south, in the Valle del Yaqui, the area around Ciudad Obregon, they had vast reservoirs of wheat straw that could be utilized for building. With a new governor in place, there was motivation to begin experimenting once again with straw bale buildings and take advantage of what was learned from our Obregon experience. Once we got the project underway, we secured the help of our friend Emiliano Lopez, who was in charge of the Save the Children building as well as the Cuenca Los Ojos ranch building to oversee the construction of this house.
Jason keeps sending me great suggestions for our blog. Today’s post is about the winning home design in the NASBA contest. This super energy efficient strawbale house is fast and easy to construct because it uses pole construction.
“I love your fascinating website so I thought you might find my efforts, to get a more sustainable [insulated home] into mainstream acceptance here in the UK, of interest.