Soil cement irrigation ponds/tanks

Soil cement irrigation ponds are durable, low cost and simple to construct
Soil cement irrigation ponds are durable, low cost and simple to construct

“For irrigation purposes, especially for fresh vegetable cash crop production in water deficit areas, water is collected in ponds from springs or small streams. The ponds are lined and sealed with sheet membranes (200 g/m2 fibre-reinforced plastic sheets, Silpaulin). The sheets are water proof; less affected by earth-movements, affordable for small farmers and can be easily repaired in case of small tears. However the sheets are photosensitive and tend to become brittle when directly exposed to the sun, especially when ponds are empty or filled with less water.

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CoRe Solutions Ferro-cement rain tank construction in Indonesia

“Indonesia has some of the most contaminated rivers and groundwater sources in the world. Yet much of the country receives more than 200cm of annual rainfall that goes virtually unused. CoRe Solutions has perfected a locally appropriate method for constructing high quality Ferro-cement rainwater harvesting tanks that are empowering Indonesia’s people to tap into this sustainable clean water source.”

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Earthbag Water Tank Instructable

Earthbag water tank drawing and instructable
Earthbag water tank drawing and instructable

Check out my new how-to article at on building earthbag water tanks. I pulled together content from previous blog posts, added a drawing and edited everything into one concise article. Let me know what you think. is a major site that’s been very effective in promoting my natural building projects.

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Concrete Water Tanks Versus Earthbag Water Tanks

I wrote in a previous blog post how I’m loving earthbag water tanks. My fascination with these water tanks jumped up a notch after reading an article about the difficulties of building a concrete water tank. From what I’ve recently learned by visiting Vanuatu and assisting in water tank design and construction, I know earthbag water tanks are much faster, easier and lower cost to build than concrete tanks.

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Ferrocement Ground Tank

Cylindrical ground tank made of ferrocement
Cylindrical ground tank made of ferrocement

What’s the best, most efficient way to build water tanks? That question has been burning in my mind since seeing the extent of water shortages firsthand on my recent trip to Vanuatu. While looking and thinking about possible solutions, I’ve found numerous good ideas on the Internet such as this underground ferrocement tank made with mortar and chicken wire. This wouldn’t work in Vanuatu and on many other islands due to the rocky soil; however, it will work in many other areas. I love the simplicity of this method.

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