The best ideas are immediately recognizable, and that’s certainly true with this amazing new barrel oven by Max and Eva Edleson. Here’s an excerpt from a book review about their barrel oven by Ziggy at Year of Mud blog.
year of mud
Building Maintenance
More excellent advice from Ziggy over at Year of Mud blog who’s busy building his straw bale/post and beam home.
“If you want to build a natural home, or any home, really, expect that you will have to perform building maintenance. I think that generally speaking, it’s nice to consider how to limit the maintenance necessary over the lifespan of the home. As with anything in this world, however, consider the issue of balance. Can you afford time to devote to maintaining earthen plaster potentially every other year, or would you rather use a more durable lime plaster, which can take the weather, but has more embodied energy, and is more expensive? It probably depends.
Year of Mud: Building a Cob House
This just in from Ziggy at the Year of Mud website, a premier source for information on cob. There are tons of uses for cob, so this might be something you’re interested in. Text below is from Ziggy. “I wanted to write to let you know that I recently published a book through, based … Read more