Your designs are created to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes and the design would be easily adaptable to most cultures. What are some other advantages?
Other advantages are explained throughout our sites (over 1,000 pages of free info online). Advantages include: no need for expensive concrete foundations (gravel bags on rubble trench foundations works great – this can save you thousands of dollars on this one thing alone); ease of creating almost any shape you want – roundhouses, domes, free form designs, you name it; ability to build underground or with earth sheltering or earth berming; no need for wood if wood is scarce or expensive; bags can be filled with insulation (lava rock, etc.) in cold climates, or insulation can be added to the exterior; owner-builder friendly – virtually anyone can build this way using very few tools and little or no special training.
Shipping Container Home Blog
Cob Houses – Live Debt Free with Sustainable Development
“Sustainable Development – Photos of cob homes that I took on the West Coast of Canada”
New Email for Owen
I’ve just updated our Contact page with my new email address: naturalhousesATgmail dot com My old strawhouses yahoo address is no longer functional, and the new email address posted yesterday was instantly hacked. If you’ve been trying to reach me lately and I haven’t responded, please resend your message to my new address.
Fixed the Website, But What About From an iPhone?
I just deleted a post I made a while back, as we have solved the two website problems I wrote about there. For blocking spam, I went ahead and got the paid version of Akismet as it has worked adequately for us as an unpaid tool and it’s only 5 bucks a month. For not … Read more