Eco-friendly Roof Styles to Give a Distinct Look to Your House

Have a Standalone Look with Solar Powered Roof
Have a Standalone Look with Solar Powered Roof

“Everyone loves to have a dwelling quite exclusive from others. But constructing a new house or even reconstructing any portion of it is a daunting task. Consider the roof styles – so many modern designs and trends are there now. Why don’t you explore some eco-friendly options for new roof? You can enjoy so many advantages of these roof styles. Eco-friendly roofs are energy-efficient, durable, environment friendly and also a great insulator for your home.

Take a quick look at these ecological roof styles suitable for your residence… Who knows you might find one of your choices!

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Reciprocal Roofs as an Art Form

World Hall community building by Lincoln School of Architecture
World Hall community building by Lincoln School of Architecture

World Hall community building by Lincoln School of Architecture Sculpting Earth Blog
Reciprocal roofs are growing in popularity among natural builders. The latest trend is to build more complex reciprocal roofs. The ones shown here are state of the art.

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Emergency Earthbag Shelter with Reciprocal Roof

Floorplan of emergency earthbag shelter with reciprocal roof.
Floorplan of emergency earthbag shelter with reciprocal roof.

Our blog has quite a few free emergency shelters for various purposes. All designs can be found on this blog using the built-in the search engine. Free detailed plans for these shelters are on our Free House Plans page. I’ll add this latest design there if it proves popular. Leave a comment below if you’re interested in building this earthbag shelter.

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