Early US Building Codes

ICC building code literature – a sampling of their 173 products
ICC building code literature – a sampling of their 173 products

The discussion about Obomba’s new housing program gave me an idea. I was making the point how government programs are initially proposed to sound wonderful so people go along with them, but over time tend to grow and grow until burdensome.

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New Boondoggle Government Housing Program

The Obama's administration's new "Advancing Healthy Homes" initiative seeks control over home maintenance. Do we really need a giant government program to micromanage maintenance of our homes? (AP Photo)
The Obama’s administration’s new “Advancing Healthy Homes” initiative seeks control over home maintenance. Do we really need a giant government program to micromanage maintenance of our homes? (AP Photo)

From CNS News: This week, the Obama administration released a “bold new vision for addressing the nation’s health and economic burdens caused by preventable hazards associated with the home.” The project has a name: “Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action.”

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Sterling Codifiers — Online Building Codes

Many counties and municipalities publish their building codes on their websites. This is adequate if you only need the codes for one or a few areas. But what if you’re trying to locate codes for a large area – say, all the counties in western Colorado? In this instance, Sterling Codifiers can make it faster and easier to locate building codes with their online service. They provide a clickable US map, as well as a drop-down menu to facilitate the search process. At this time they primarily cover western states.

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Three Ways Building Codes Escalate Construction Costs

Do you think building codes are fair and set up primarily for society’s protection? Guess again. In reality, building codes were written by the timber, steel, brick and concrete industries, in collaboration with banks and insurance companies to maximize profits for themselves. This creates barriers to entry that make it difficult to build with alternative materials.

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Where to Live: Building Code or No Code Areas?

Save money and have a healthier lifestyle by living in rural areas with few or no building codes.
Save money and have a healthier lifestyle by living in rural areas with few or no building codes.

Comment from mountainviewoffgridliving:
“We’ve purchased your book and are about ready to start buying what we need to get started. I am finding a lot of contractors advertise their leftover building materials on Craigslist so we are picking up things now for either very little or for free like windows, doors, boards, etc. Our next purchase will be the bags and barbed wire. We want everything we need while we can still buy things. We just purchased a Kimberly Stove and after the earthbags we will buy a Sun-Mar Composting toilet. We should be really close then to having what we need… or at least I hope so. .

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Petition North Carolina Building Codes Council

Alter NC building codes to exempt structures at Turtle Island Preserve

“Dear Friends of Turtle Island Preserve,

Turtle Island Preserve is in danger. Please read this letter, and, if you feel moved to do so, carefully follow the suggestions for support provided at the end.

Recently, local county government authorities have targeted Turtle Island Preserve, attacking our way of life, and forcing our educational camp to close to visitors.

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