Tree shelterbelts are commonly grown throughout the world for windbreaks, privacy, livestock protection, soil management, wildlife conservation, etc. What is not so common is growing food producing shelterbelts for investment purposes.
organic gardening
Growing Roots – This Farmer Is Taking Root on Rooftops
Here’s a very good video showing cutting edge technologies that make rooftop gardening profitable. At 19:54 they show how they’re making compost from food scraps very quickly in a machine.
The Winter Harvest with Eliot Coleman
“This is Eliot Coleman’s presentation at the Asheville Mother Earth News Fair in April of 2016. Eliot is a celebrated farming expert encouraging people and communities to choose locally grown organic food. He helped pioneer the movement with his first book “The New Organic Grower” published over 20 years ago. He continues leading the way, expanding the limits of the harvest season deep into and through winter at his world-renowned farm in Harborside, Maine.
Good Time to Buy Foreclosed Farm Land?
I’m hearing reports of large numbers of U.S. farmers going broke due to economic problems, drought, old age and no children to pass the farm down to, and excessive government regulations. Some newscasters are predicting higher food prices or even food shortages this year (2017) in the U.S.
From Grasslands to Permaculture Food Forest Paradise in Noosa Australia
“In this video Ian walks through Noosa Forest Retreat on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia, showing various stages in establishing a food forest.”
The Permaculture Food Forest – Plant Once- Harvest for a Lifetime. How It Works.
“No Weeding- No Watering- No Pesticides- No GMOs- No Fertilizers- Ever!
How the Secret Garden of Survival Works.