Lessons Learned In The Garden

“I love to spend time working the living earth. There is joy to be found in coaxing life from seeds and nourishing that life to bring beauty to our home and food to our table. When I was young my parents believed that boys who were busy working were also boys who would have little … Read more

Home-based Business: Growing Microgreens

I’m always on the lookout for good ideas for starting sustainable small businesses that are low cost and easy to implement. Microgreens are small plants midway in size between sprouts and baby greens. Besides being used in salads, they can be used as a garnish on food such as fresh basil on pizza. Microgreens and sprouts are super nutritious and tasty, and also profitable as shown by this video. This guy turned a hobby of growing things into a business that saved his home. Grow your own food, get healthier and cut your grocery bills.

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Food not lawns: urban gardens in Eugene, Oregon yards

“Every year, 58 million Americans spend approximately $30 billion to maintain over 23 million acres of lawn, using more pesticides per acre than agriculture. According to Heather Flores, author of Food Not Lawns, the water consumed by U.S. lawns- 270 gallons/week- could support “81 million acres of organic vegetables, all summer long”. Perhaps its time to rethink the American yard. There are increasingly more groups- like Food Not Lawns, Edible Estates, locavores, 100 mile diet- urging homeowners to mow less and plant more.

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Drummondville’s front yard vegetable garden

“As they’re about to turn 50, and wanting to adopt a more healthy lifestyle, Josée and Michel decide to plant a vegetable garden outside their home in the suburbs of Drummondville, Quebec. Their backyard had little sun exposure, so they decide to set up the garden in the front yard. Once the garden beds are in place and the vegetables have started growing, the city asks them to remove their garden to put lawn back, but the couple decides to fight.”

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