Video demonstrates a “water heater out of used parts and a Stovetec Rocket stove to start the thermo siphoning process.” Obviously you could make your own rocket stove for practically free. You could also use a sawdust stove like we discussed the other day.
renewable energy
Wood stove runs a generator, produces gasoline, runs a fridge and heats hot water
“This is the most efficient wood stove on the planet it will make gasoline run a generator and a propane fridge, heat hot water and your home at the same time. this system works on any dry organic material.”
Green Turbine
Green Turbine (TM) is a very small (slightly larger than a football) steam driven turbo generator that converts (waste) heat into electricity. This makes the Green Turbine an excellent choice in applications where both heat and electricity is required (combined heat and power). The part of the energy not converted to electricity is available for heating or cooling.
Cold Fusion Now Art Contest
I’ve put a great deal of time and effort into understanding what’s happening with LENR/cold fusion reactions. Overwhelming evidence confirms LENR is proven beyond doubt, but exactly how the process works is still not understood. Fully understanding the process is vital to engineering efficient LENR devices. The Cold Fusion Now art contest was an impetus for me to express my ideas and draw awareness to what I believe is one of the greatest discoveries ever. Affordable, clean energy is vital to everyone’s dream of a sustainable future. My entry attempts to illustrate (however crudely) what is occurring inside the LENR reactor at an atomic level. Please take a look and leave a comment at Cold Fusion Now. You can go directly to my entry by clicking here.
Thrive Update & Plans for 2013
Thrive was released online on 11.11.11, and is now free to watch online at In this video, filmmaker Kimberly Carter Gamble gives an update on the Thrive Movement and plans for 2013.
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LENR Update: What Can You Tell Them?

“So I’m riding my bike down Main Street in Santa Monica, and a fellow pedals up along side and starts a conversation, right there in the bike lane. Seeing my Cold Fusion Now sticker deftly placed street-facing on the frame, and the new T-shirt I’m wearing (available SOON!), he remarks, “Wow, you’re really into this…” You have no idea, I think to myself. “I do clean energy advocacy for cold fusion.”