This design will convince people to buy the rocket stove because you heat the water while cooking. Also, this design will enable someone to have hot water for another pot while heating up a single pot.
rocket stove
Chelle Lindahl’s rocket mass heater
“Chelle Lindahl, who lives in an off-grid home near Canton, NY, speaks about the rocket mass heater she uses to heat her home. She also discusses other aspects of how she tries to have a low-impact lifestyle. Rocket mass heaters (RMH) are low-cost, high-efficiency wood-burning stoves that typically consume a fraction of traditional stoves. Chelle’s … Read more
Endless Hot Water Without Electricity
Video demonstrates a “water heater out of used parts and a Stovetec Rocket stove to start the thermo siphoning process.” Obviously you could make your own rocket stove for practically free. You could also use a sawdust stove like we discussed the other day.
Rocket Stove Mass Heaters
We’ve briefly mentioned rocket stove mass heaters before. Here’s an excellent site that compiles a lot of free info about them and has free plans. (Detailed drawings are for sale, but anyone should be able to figure out the process by looking at the illustrations, reading the text and watching the videos.)
“Rocket mass heaters in a nutshell:
– heat your home with 80% to 90% less wood
– exhaust is nearly pure steam and CO2 (a little smoke at the beginning)
– the heat from one fire can last for days
– you can build one in a day and half
– folks have built them spending less than $20
Zero Energy Cooking: Rocket Stove Plus Retained Heat Cooking
Fuel Efficient Cooking with an Insulated Box
“What a great example of using a retained heat cooker! Cooking beans is the perfect example of the strength of using a thermal type cooker. All the goodness with 80%-90% of the fuel being saved.”
Rocket Stove Water Heater
We’ve talked about hot water coils (water jackets) for wood stoves in a previous blog post. This video by Geoff Lawton of Permaculture fame does a great job of showing his water heater design. See below for the link to his article with more details.