“Nicholas Burtner discusses how to build a banana circle, how to plant a poly culture guild around a banana circle, how to work strategy and time within a banana circle, and how to link banana circles together for true abundance in farming and growing bananas.”
Ferrocement Roofed Domes for Tropical Climates
Domes are vulnerable to water damage, so what to do in rainy climates? I say add a roof. There are various roofed dome houses on our main website at EarthbagBuilding.com that you peruse here and here. Those are earthbag domes. The design I’m first presenting here is made of ferrocement. It’s just one more way to do things.
Our Tropical Forest Garden Progress
I want to first thank all those who have pioneered the way for growing forest gardens. Special thanks to Geoff Lawton, Robert Hart, David Holmgren, Bill Mollison and Sepp Holtzer. Their permaculture books and videos have been immensely beneficial even though our food forest is unique, as partially explained below. I also want to emphasize the importance of permaculture and encourage readers to learn as much as possible in order to develop more sustainable practices.
Ecological Friendly Building at the Shores of the Indian Ocean
Island Style Homes
Island style homes feature wide roof overhangs, lots of windows for cross ventilation and plentiful outdoor living space. These homes are prevalent throughout the Caribbean, Pacific Ocean and beyond. There are some wonderful coffee table books on island style/Pacific style homes, and they’re one of my favorite styles. You might want to take a look at some books the next time you’re in a good bookstore.
Lanta Pole House Tour
“Tour of Lanta Pole House – Lychee House in Koh Lanta. It’s located in Lanta Old Town in Koh Lanta, Thailand. We stayed here for about a week.”