Most readers are probably familiar with old military forts in the wild west days of the US that were built with vertical wood poles set closely together. The same building method can be used for houses and other structures.
pole house
First Code Approved Scoria Bag Pole House
“About two years ago, my family purchased 11 acres in the north of New Zealand with the hopes of creating a family farm out of the empty paddocks. With a good pioneering spirit, we moved onto the land and lived in camper trailers for the first winter. It quickly became clear that we needed some better shelter, so we decided to build a cottage.
Do-it-yourself Pole-barn Building
Lanta Pole House Tour
“Tour of Lanta Pole House – Lychee House in Koh Lanta. It’s located in Lanta Old Town in Koh Lanta, Thailand. We stayed here for about a week.”
Eco Pole Houses in the South Pacific
“Construction of an ecological and sustainable Pole House village on a remote oceanfront site in the South Pacific. Only local materials, gleaned entirely from the site, were utilized in the construction, including bamboo, pine, mangrove, guava, river rock, a variety of tropical hardwoods and coconut (husk for lashings, fronds for roofing, and trunks rafters and … Read more
Pole Building
Here are a few facts gleaned from Low Cost Pole Building Construction, by Ralph Wolfe and Practical Pole Building Construction, by Leigh Seddon. – Adaptable to steep terrain, rocky soils, marshes, beaches, earthquake and hurricane zones. For instance, you can save a lot of money by building on low cost hillsides. – Meets building codes … Read more