Over the years I’ve had the great pleasure of viewing thousands of homes built with natural materials such as sustainably harvested wood poles, earth, straw, stone, and recycled materials. So which natural home is my personal favorite? I’d have to go with Simon Dales’ woodland home in Wales. Not only is it absolutely stunning from many different views, it’s also very low cost (3,000 pounds or $4,500), practical to build (4 months by 2 workers) and live in, and super energy efficient due to the thick straw bale insulation. The cost is very important. Almost anyone can afford a home like this.
woodland home
Ben Law’s Woodland Home
This new video shows Ben’s addition for the children, his new workshop and, in the closing image, the finished interior of his woodland home. Stunning! “Ben Law lives and works at Prickly Nut Woods in West Sussex, UK, where apart from making a living from coppicing he trains apprentices and runs courses on sustainable woodland … Read more