Report from Canada

From Sierra:  here are the latest photos of our earthbag structure currently being built in B.C, Canada…it is going really well.  Frank is the designer and owner.

The fill we are using is on site. We dug down below organic and came up with a great mix of clay, sand and gravel. We added 20% cement to the mix for the foundation levels; most of the structure is 5% cement though, except for door frames and arches (20%).

Because this structure is in a temperate rain forest, we had to go for a cement/lime plaster, its the only thing we found worked. I don’t like the fact that it is not eco-friendly, but we had to compromise somewhere.

All the lumber and logs that are used have been harvested from Frank’s property. The logs for the roof are in the process of being installed.

We started the project June 16, 2010 worked 5 days a week, 3 people make up the crew. We also had a few volunteers through out the summer, they would work either a few hours or a few days. We ended the summer project in mid Sept, level 20. We are now bagging level 37.

1 thought on “Report from Canada”

  1. Hi, wow, we live on the Sunshine Coast of BC, or shall I say the wet coast. We researched extensively on building with cob. Spoke with numerous folks, including long dicussions with Anne and Gord Baird on Vancouver Island. Our plan was to envelope a 1951 Pan-Abode which we reconstructed last spring. As summer approached and the rains continued into late July, it became apparent that cob was not the answer. We have since finished that house and are now starting the plan for the next home on the same property. I have been perusing the internet to gather info on “earthbag” building when I came accross your post. Where abouts in BC are you located and have you found the wet to be a challenge other than in the plaster? We are on a bit of a vacation currently on Quadra Island and would love to be able to see and or pitch in for a day on your build. We welcome any suggestions you may have. Thanks, and congratulations for your contribution to “less is more”.
    Raven and Bobbi


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