Building The Ultimate Camper Van as a Tiny Home & Office on Wheels

We’ve been working pretty much 7 days a week on building our DIY camper van in a Ford Transit with a high roof. We’re planning a super functional home and office space in here, and are building it with as many natural materials as possible (cork, hemp, and FSC & formaldehyde-free plywood).

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115 Operation Hope Foundation Earthbag Houses

The Raise The Roof project has spanned over two years. With the support of generous donors and supporters, Operation Hope Foundation (OHF) has built 115 rice bag (earthbag) houses. Moving forward, OHF will focus on training villagers on the earthbag building method as the Nepal Government has approved the design of the house, and affected villagers will be granted 300,000 rupees (S$4,000) to rebuild their own houses.

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How to grow redworms on a large scale and produce worm castings

Growing redworms is work that I do everyday. On a small scale it can be simple, but as the operation gets larger it becomes heavy work that is done everyday. These rows have taken 3 years to build up and over 200 tons of produce to create. It keeps building.

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Good, thorough review of Nature’s Head brand biotoilets. This seems like the leading brand used by most tiny house and bus living folks. I never understood why people would spend so much money on something so simple when a $20 sawdust toilet works fine. Now I see there are advantages, especially for a family and so it may be worthwhile for some people.

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