I have periodically corresponded with Matthew McCue, who has been building an earthbag house in Colorado with his wife, Rainee. Most recently he provided this update on their project:

We can finally breathe easy knowing that our time and efforts are mostly protected. It has become clear that there is still a long road of finish work ahead, but we are happy with what we were able to accomplish in the last 6 months.

My wife, Rainee, has put together a blog for friends and family. We are going to keep updating it as we step towards completion. Here is the link buildingwithus.org
Now is the size of the roof so expansion in the future will be easier, for a pavilion, or something other than that?
If you go to their blog they say, “The porch will be our mudroom, art space, play place, climbing center, swinging section, outdoor dining, massage studio, writing nook with likely 100 more purposes.”