Suppliers of Misprinted Bags

I think it would be a great idea to start a list of suppliers who sell misprinted bags. Suppliers sometimes sell otherwise perfectly good bags at a discount when the printing quality is not acceptable. Most people use 18”x30” bags, so that would be the best size to locate. Please leave a comment below with the supplier names, websites and prices for misprinted bags that you come across. Also inquire about the minimum order. There may be a 1,000 bag minimum, so that would be good to know also.

Note: Our Resources page at has a good list of bag companies who sell misprinted and new bags. My goal here is to expand that list.

I’ll start things off:
Fisher Bag Company Abigail called Fisher Bag Company a few days ago and was told they sell misprint 18×30 bags in bales of 1000 for $.30-.35 each.

Robin sent these companies:
Polytex Fiber Corp
Home page:
Houston, TX
Contact: Denny Smith

Edward Kennedy & Co Ltd
52 Bracken Road Sandyford Ind Est Dublin 18 Co. Dublin
Home page:

Company Name: Agripack & Bulk Bag Mnfr
Street Address: Blesbuck ln
City: Reitz
Province/State: Freestate
Country/Region: South Africa
Zip: 9810
Telephone: 27-072-4226627

31 thoughts on “Suppliers of Misprinted Bags”

  1. I am looking for a mesh produce bag ( 18”x 31” or so), wondering if you have anything similar to that available. Thanks

  2. We have one container 40 ft (300,000pcs) of printed PP woven bags.
    The quality of bags is very good/premium quality.
    The bag size 60x105cm, top hemmed ultra sonic, one fold bottom with double stitch.
    These bags for packing flour.
    Anyhow, the customer has a problem with the payment so we decided to sell out these bags with sale off price.

    Please contact at:
    hieulinhpackaging AT

  3. I have a pallet of 40 cases of printed 3mil salt bags that are for sale. The bags are 17″w x 27″h white with 3 color print. 250 per case. Let me know if anyone is interested in purchasing plus freight. They are located in NJ. Thx

  4. Owen you should go ahead and add the onion bags to the mesh list. I posted up here because I was equating used to misprint. Sorry for the mix up. You may want to add the following information to the new bag vendor section

    Also I received a quote from Central Bag on new poly bags and tubing. They didn’t offer any misprint materials.
    Both prices included shipping from Kansas to California
    18 inch x 984 ft long poly tubing $150.00/roll shipped
    18×30 poly bags shipped .425 each

  5. I called Fisher Bags a few days ago and was told they sell misprint 18x30s in bales of 1000 for $.30-.35 each.

      • 30 cents isn’t bad. I would have thought they would discount misprint bags more then that. I wonder how many bag suppliers are checking out this blog and raising their prices accordingly?

        Misprint bags are really pretty much a loss for that business. Most items in manufacturing that have been misprinted, have defects or expiration dates are discarded. They are a write off.

        I contacted one bag supplier in the south and they wanted more for used bags then many other suppliers did for new or misprints. Makes one wonder how these prices are determined.

        As always take into account shipping costs. In many instances I have found shipping to double or more the cost of the bags.

        • Shipping costs are a killer. That’s one reason we’re compiling lists so people can locate companies near them.

          Everything is going up in price. Misprint and recycled bags are going to save a lot of money. Try to buy recycled bags from the user not the company who marks them up and resells them.

  6. Here is some more current prices and info I received today.

    Contact: Annmarie Lambertson
    Wasserman Bag Co.
    70 Commerce Pl.
    Hicksville, NY 11801
    (516) 681-5900
    (516) 681-5905 Fax

    50lb bags
    Used onion bags .23
    New onion bags .33

    Master bag is 21 x 32 .225
    Polytex doesn’t have any misprints at this time.

    I will post more as I get them.

  7. Well, Im just a googler. But here are some:
    Polytex Fiber Corp
    Houston, TX
    Contact: Denny Smith
    Edward Kennedy & Co Ltd
    52 Bracken Road Sandyford Ind Est Dublin 18 Co. Dublin
    Company Name: Agripack & Bulk Bag Mnfr
    Street Address: Blesbuck ln
    City: Reitz
    Province/State: Freestate
    Country/Region: South Africa
    Zip: 9810
    Telephone: 27-072-4226627

    At least there have been websites that claim misprint bags.


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