More horror stories of bad experiences with building code officials.
building code
Proposed Code Changes in Mendocino County, California
Battle for the California Desert
I found this shocking video at As shown in the video, the government is now making SWAT type raids and levying heavy fines against poor people in the desert east of Los Angeles, and essentially forcing people off their land for what many would consider minor issues. (Millions of people live like this in … Read more
10 Reasons Why People Don’t Build With Natural Materials
Have you ever puzzled over why so many people choose to buy homes at outrageous prices that require 20-30 year mortgages even though they are often poorly built, made with materials that offgas hazardous substances and readily burn in house fires? In addition, these conventional houses are usually energy inefficient, require expensive ongoing maintenance, cause … Read more
Natural Homes Maps
Here are two useful maps for natural builders. The map from Natural shows locations of natural homes. Actually there are thousands of homes not shown. As a rough guess I’d say for every house shown, there’s probably another 100 not on the map (and far more in some areas). Most people don’t publicize their … Read more
Comments from a Building Inspector and Engineer
Question to Building Inspector: We are looking at moving to rural Livingston Parish, Lousiana and planning on building our own earthbag home within the next year… Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Building Inspector: I have viewed the website for earthbag building that you mentioned and it is very interesting, however, the … Read more