“A new way to generate electricity is being implemented in Switzerland. It’s a special water vortex power plant that bears the name of well known inventor, Bertrand Piccard.” This may be practical for homesteaders and ecovillages who want to live more sustainably off grid and be more self sufficient.
clean energy
Solar Action Alliance
100% Renewable Energy Is Feasible and Affordable, According to Stanford Proposal
“One of the greatest promises of the high-tech future, whether made explicitly or implicitly through shiny clean concept sketches, is that we will have efficient energy that doesn’t churn pollutants into the air and onto the streets.
Tests Confirm Anomalous Heat Production in Rossi’s E-Cat
Here’s the biggest LENR/cold fusion news in at least the last few years. A team of independent scientists have confirmed anomalous heat production from Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat reactor. I’ve already spent around 1,500-2,000 hours following this story because I’m convinced LENR technology is real and practical. Rossi is now racing to commercialize his reactors and soon this story is going to burst into the spotlight.
Cold Fusion Now Art Contest
I’ve put a great deal of time and effort into understanding what’s happening with LENR/cold fusion reactions. Overwhelming evidence confirms LENR is proven beyond doubt, but exactly how the process works is still not understood. Fully understanding the process is vital to engineering efficient LENR devices. The Cold Fusion Now art contest was an impetus for me to express my ideas and draw awareness to what I believe is one of the greatest discoveries ever. Affordable, clean energy is vital to everyone’s dream of a sustainable future. My entry attempts to illustrate (however crudely) what is occurring inside the LENR reactor at an atomic level. Please take a look and leave a comment at Cold Fusion Now. You can go directly to my entry by clicking here.
Enough Wind to Power Global Energy Demand 20x
Near-surface winds could provide more than 20 times today’s global power demand
There is enough energy available in winds to meet all of the world’s demand. Atmospheric turbines that convert steadier and faster high-altitude winds into energy could generate even more power than ground- and ocean-based units. New research from Carnegie’s Ken Caldeira examines the limits of the amount of power that could be harvested from winds, as well as the effects high-altitude wind power could have on the climate as a whole. Their work is published September 9 by Nature Climate Change.