We’re excited to feature Richard today. Richard reevaluated his life after a motorcycle accident, quit his job and sold his house, and now lives in a 54 sq. ft. micro home he build himself.
Amazing Viking Turf House Tour – Stunning Green Building!
In this video we’re excited to share the re-created 1000-year-old Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada. We visited the site last fall and had we really enjoyed learning more about the settlement, but also about the traditional construction techniques they used for the turf dwellings and workshops.
Two-Story Thin-wall Earthbag Construction in India
The Elsa Tiny Home
“From Olive Nest Tiny Homes is The Elsa, a 28-foot tiny house that was featured on Season 6, Episode 2 of Tiny House, Big Living! The 323-square-foot tiny home comes with a separate pergola trailer with porch swing and greenhouse.
Holy Himalaya Earthbag Projects
We have many social projects going on in North Dharding, Nepal including Earthbag Building. We invite your support or hands-on help on these projects (for whole or part of schools and community centre rebuilding and building). You or your group can come for any length of time and we will include Adventure options around this amazing area of natural beauty, plus add-on treks to the more famous routes.
Earthbag Earthship Videos and Workshop
“I’ve started doing youtube updates on our earthbag earthship on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxL6Ldw2ehVAnvv2mH75htQ. Also, we’re going to be having another workshop on building high-quality, low-cost structures (including earthbag buildings) on September 23rd and 24th at Bottom Leaf Intentional Community, details at http://sustainablelifeschool.com. Thanks, Morgan.