Texas Prepper’s Greenhouse

“I call this TexasPrepper’s Greenhouse, and you can build your own… easy!
You can build a low cost, PORTABLE greenhouse, or Chicken Tractor for less than $150…! Build your own greenhouse and save big! Watch my OTHER video on the step by step building of this greenhouse.”

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Secret Garden of Survival – How to Grow a Camouflaged Food Forest

Secret Garden of Survival by Rick Austin: A forest garden produces 5x more food per square foot than a traditional garden.
Secret Garden of Survival by Rick Austin: A forest garden produces 5x more food per square foot than a traditional garden.

“Imagine a food garden that you only have to plant once in your life-time, that takes up very little space, that will provide food for the next 30 years; that can grow five times more food per square foot than traditional or commercial gardening; and where you never have to weed, never have to use fertilizers and never have to use pesticide– ever. All disguised as overgrown underbrush, so nobody knows you have food growing there! This book will show you how to do it in one growing season!”

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A Do-It-Yourself GeoDome Greenhouse

“You don’t have to spit far these days to hit an urban garden. The trend, says the New York Times in an article about an Urban Farm in Milwaukee, has everything to do with the recession and the growing awareness of the impact that shipping food long-distance has on our climate and our pocketbooks. Of course, not all of us will be able to feed ourselves with what we grow in our back yards during the lean, mean growing season here in Southern Colorado. But there are ways around it, and John Sondericker has built an inexpensive Geo-Dome greenhouse in hopes of growing enough vegetables to supply his family of 5 for the better part of the year, if not year-round. We visited John and his dome for a brief tutorial on how he did it and how it’s going thus far.”

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