The Simple Humus Toilet

“The “Simple Humus Toilet” is a concept for an easy to install, ‘do it yourself’ composting toilet. It is not meant to threaten the conventional flush toilet culture, rather represents an alternative for anyone who ‘lives close to nature’ and wants to use a simple and low cost toilet system. It is ideal for the garden or empty section, but could also be used in disaster situations such as earthquakes.

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Re.source Household Toilets

Re.source Household Toilets
Re.source Household Toilets

“We’re designing an ultra-low-cost toilet around removable containers that make it easy to collect and transport wastes safely from the community. We know from many conversations with residents of Shada that a good toilet is a symbol of cleanliness and modernity. Beyond being odorless, hygienic, and vector-free, our toilet needs to be elegant, modern, and pleasant to use. And it needs to be cheap. To that end, our toilet combines a 20-L bucket, a liquid container, and a western-style toilet seat into a sealed, portable, urine-diverting toilet.

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Vetiver Latrine

A Vetiver latrine is simply Vetiver grass seedlings planted around a small concrete slab above a pit.
A Vetiver latrine is simply Vetiver grass seedlings planted around a small concrete slab above a pit.

“In our world of ever evolving technology where we have access to an infinite amount of information through cell phones that can become out of date in six months, we sometime we take for granted the basics. It is easy to forget that more than one third (37%)(WHO 2012) of the global population does not have access to adequate sanitation. Sanitation is considered the greatest medical advancement attributed to almost doubling life expectancy (BMJ 2007). It is estimated that access to adequate sanitation can reduce infant mortality (Spears 2012) to reduce the 750,000 childhood deaths annually attributed to lack of sanitation(Li Lui et al 2010).

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Eppivent Waterless Non-electric Toilet

“Dr. Jerry Dean Epps says the Eppivent is a waterless toilet that requires no electricity and has no bad smells. No working with waste required like with compost toilets. Internal flush moves contents out of sight. Waste is digested in main tank, moves through the bio-filter tank and the small amount of liquid discharged is safe for the environment but we send it to an underground evaporation/transpiration bed anyway. It is a stand alone and completely deals with waste on site.”

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