Our Forest Garden is Finished!

After a little over three years I’m very happy to say our tropical forest garden is finished. The hard work of raising the garden beds 12” with about 60 dump truck loads of amendments is done. The trees are well established and many are starting to produce fruit. Many smaller plants such as pineapple, taro, vegetables and herbs are thriving. The beds are mulched with straw. The soil is rapidly improving by evidence of worm mounds (worm castings) popping up everywhere. The greenhouse is finished. Extra planters and CEB beds have been added to fill in extra space and increase plant diversity. Our first large batch of homemade compost turned out great. Eight wire mesh cages are full of leaves to make leaf mold compost. And, a special ‘wild area’ has been created along the drainage ditch for bees, birds, butterflies and other wildlife to honor and show thanks to Nature.

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Permaculture Food Forest in New Zealand

“The Guytons started planting their food forest in 1998 on two acres of bare land in Riverton, New Zealand. This style of gardening was new to Southland so their neighbours did not approve. Now it is an established food forest with hundreds (460!) of different plant species. Fruit and nut trees, berries and herbs and wild plants all blended together in a productive and sustainable way. This short video introduces concepts of permaculture.”

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Small Space Permaculture Food Forest Garden on 1/4 Acre Home Lot

“John from Growing Your Greens.com (one of the top YouTube gardening channels with over 248,000 subscribers) goes on a field trip to visit Dr. Bob Randall’s Permaculture Food Forest in suburban Houston, Texas. In this .28 acre lot Bob grows over 150 varieties of fruit trees, a raised bed vegetable garden and more.

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