Hassan’s round house– a structure still under construction– showcases just about every natural building technique you can imagine. His house is in the second year of building, but it’s future beauty is already visible even though it’s unfinished. This house implements many systems– heating, cooling, insulation, water– that make it a truly sustainable house.
straw bale roundhouse
Charlie and Meg’s Roundhouse Facebook Page
Note from Charlie and Meg whose house is being threatened with demolition by building authorities:
“Hi, just a quick update for all the folk asking what the latest news is. Currently we’re still living in the house and waiting on a decision from Pembrokeshire County Council regarding our retrospective application. We’re feeling fairly confident that everything will be o.k in the end. We’ll update everyone, as soon as we hear anything. These kind of things have been known to drag on for years… in the mean time, life goes on. Thanks for all the words of support! Bless up and get building.”
Dorset Centre for Rural Skills
Straw Bale Roundhouses Built in One Day
A kindred spirit sent me a memorable letter about 10 years ago. They had read about the strawbale roundhouse I helped build with the Lakota Sioux in South Dakota. (I recently found out the roundhouse later got destroyed in a flood.)