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straw bale
Spiral Straw Bale Home in Denmark
“Poula-Line built her straw bale home in Fri & Fro (Free and Happy) ecoVillage in Egebjerg, Denmark. It’s one of a collection of unique straw bale homes in the village. Her home was inspired by a conch shell she found on a beach in Malaysia. Poula, just like Rachel, lived in a small straw bale cabin on her land while she built her home.”
Build it With Bales – Free Download
Free downloadable version (photocopied pages) of Matts Myhrman’s classic straw bale book for private use. The easy to understand explanations and simple line drawings make it a joy to read and refer to as you’re building. Although this book is 99% excellent information, readers are warned of a few errors in this somewhat dated book. One example is do not use bales under a slab floor as shown.
The Oldest Known Strawbale House in Europe
The ”Maison Feuillette” was built in 1921 by Feuillette, an engineer who was looking for solutions to construction problems. It has been for sale for one year. The house (still inhabited and perfectly preserved) is acknowledged globally as a unique, innovative and exemplary building. It features a timber frame structure with straw bale infill, modular construction, and the use of local materials.
$6/square foot Straw Bale Houses in Pakistan
“After the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB) was set up to protect people’s homes against extreme weather conditions. More recently with the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey, I am reminded of the value of homes and family.
Straw Bale Roundhouse in Taos, NM
We were just talking about strawbale roundhouses the other day. (See: Straw Bale Roundhouses Built in One Day.) This one is in New Mexico. I highly encourage people to try gravel bag foundations. (Polypropylene bags or tubes filled with gravel.) They could have saved a great deal of time, money and effort. A small, simple foundation like this one can be built in one day with two workers. Our free websites and articles explain the details.