House of Three Tents

Here’s another amazing Faircompanies video.

“When Glen and Gerry bought property in Northern California, they wanted first to live on the land to determine the best place to site their home. They found a company that makes tent cabins and erected three. They’re not of the camping variety, but more semi-permanent fabric shelters sold by Sweetwater Bungalows.

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Wigwam, Wikiup, Bender Tents/Shelters

Improvised shelters made of branches or saplings and covered with tarps provide emergency shelter as well as a place to live while your home is being built.
Improvised shelters made of branches or saplings and covered with tarps provide emergency shelter as well as a place to live while your home is being built.

“A wigwam or wickiup is a domed room dwelling used by many different Native American cultures. The curved surfaces make it an ideal shelter for all kinds of conditions. These structures are formed with a frame of arched poles, most often wooden, which are covered with some sort of roofing material. Details of construction vary with the culture and local availability of materials. Some of the roofing materials used include grass, brush, bark, rushes, mats, reeds, hides or cloth.”

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Earthbag Platform for Yurts

I posted an idea for Insulated Earthbag Foundations for Yurts at One reader who left a comment liked the idea, but needed a simpler design so he wouldn’t have to get a building permit. Here’s an idea for a very simple design that might get around building codes. Stack one course of earthbags in … Read more